Cut Ties with Harmful Influences and Reclaim Your Energy
Toxic relationships drain our energy, distort our clarity, and weaken our spiritual and emotional well-being. Whether it’s a manipulative friend, an overbearing family member, or a destructive romantic connection, severing ties is essential for your personal growth. This ritual calls upon Amon, the spirit of truth and reconciliation, to release toxic emotional cords and protect your space.
The Right Time to Perform the Banishing Spell
Timing is crucial in spiritual workings. The waning moon is the best period for releasing, banishing, and cutting away toxic influences. If the situation is urgent, you can perform this ritual on a Saturday at midnight, a time linked to Saturn, the planet of endings and boundaries.
Preparation: Cleansing the Space and Yourself
Before beginning, ensure that your space is energetically clean and your mind is centered. A purified space allows the ritual’s energy to flow freely, untainted by past emotional residue.
Spiritual Cleansing Steps
- Smoke Cleansing – Burn sage, frankincense, or myrrh around your space, moving counterclockwise to dispel negativity.
- Salt Purification – Sprinkle a ring of black salt around your ritual space for protection.
- Water Blessing – Anoint your forehead and hands with blessed water (water infused with salt and a protection prayer).
- Meditation – Sit for five minutes in silence, breathing deeply. Visualize a sphere of golden light surrounding you, forming an unbreakable barrier between you and all harmful influences.
Sacred Tools: What You Will Need for the Ritual
Each item carries symbolic power. Choose them with care, as they will anchor your intent into the physical world.
- Black Candle – Represents protection and banishment.
- White Candle – Symbolizes purity and renewal.
- Athame or Ritual Knife – Used to cut energetic ties. If unavailable, use a sharp piece of obsidian.
- Bowl of Salt – Absorbs and neutralizes negativity.
- Sigil of Amon – Drawn on parchment or engraved onto a small piece of metal.
- Personal Item of the Toxic Person – This can be a photo, a letter, or their written name on paper.
Invocation: Calling Upon the Power of Severance
This invocation summons Amon, who assists in revealing truth and dissolving emotional burdens. Stand before your altar, light the black candle, and recite:
“Amon, Custos Veritatis, ego te invoco.
Veni et solve vincula quae me ligant ad nocivum.
Flammae tuae urant funes tenebrosos,
Et me ab omni corruptione libera.”
(Amon, Keeper of Truth, I invoke you.
Come and sever the bonds that tie me to harm.
Let your flames burn the dark cords,
And free me from all corruption.)
Feel the energy shift as Amon’s presence fills the space. His influence will give you the strength to break free.
Severing the Toxic Cord: The Ritual in Action
Now begins the act of separation. This is the most important stage, where you actively remove the toxic influence from your life.
Step 1: Visualizing the Cut
- Hold the personal item in your dominant hand.
- Close your eyes and envision an energetic cord connecting you to the person. This cord might appear thick and twisted, pulling at you.
- Imagine Amon’s flames engulfing the cord, weakening its grip on your soul.
Step 2: Severing the Bond
- Take the athame or obsidian blade and physically gesture as if cutting through the cord.
- As you slice through the air, say:
“In nomine lucis, funes dissolvo.
Nihil restat nisi libertas et silentium.”
(In the name of light, I dissolve these ties.
Nothing remains but freedom and silence.)
Repeat three times, with conviction.
Step 3: Burning Away the Influence
- Hold the personal item over the black candle’s flame.
- Let it catch fire and drop it into the bowl of salt. If the item is not burnable, bury it in the earth later.
“Cinis in ventum, memoria in oblivionem.
Fiat voluntas mea.”
(Ashes to the wind, memory to oblivion.
Let my will be done.)
As it burns, feel a surge of relief, as if a great weight has lifted from your heart.
Final Blessing and Protection Against Future Harm
To close the ritual, light the white candle and place your hands above the flame. Whisper:
“Ex tenebris ad lucem, iter meum liberum est.
Solvo et dimitto, et pax in me redit.”
(From darkness into light, my path is free.
I release and let go, and peace returns to me.)
What to Do After the Ritual:
- Leave the white candle burning for one hour to seal your energy.
- Discard the salt outside your home within 24 hours.
- Place Amon’s sigil under your pillow for three nights, reinforcing your severance.
- Keep a journal for the next seven days, noting any shifts in mood, dreams, or interactions with the severed person.
What to Expect After the Ritual
Once the toxic ties are cut, the person may:
- Attempt to contact you unexpectedly—do not engage.
- Fade from your thoughts and life as their influence dissolves.
- Experience their own emotional release as the severance affects them as well.
If they try to re-enter your life, repeat:
“Discedite, non amplius funem habeo.
In pace maneo.”
(Depart, I hold no more ties.
I remain in peace.)
A Life Free from Harmful Bonds
With this ritual, you have successfully severed an unhealthy connection and taken back control over your energy and emotions. Amon’s power will shield you, ensuring that no lingering threads remain to pull you back into toxicity.
Embrace this newfound freedom and move forward unburdened, protected, and at peace.